Letters Trellis is a project to encourage people to write letters. The practice benefits both the receiver and writer in unexpected ways. See https://letterstrellis.com for more information.
Whittier Tech students connect with Wingate residents
Community Content
Whittier Tech sophomores in the health assisting program are working to stay connected and learn more about their community throughout the pandemic thanks to a new pen pal program between the school and a local assisted living facility.
Shortly after Thanksgiving, 16 Whittier Tech sophomores began exchanging letters with the same number of residents at Wingate Residences at Haverhill.
Supervising adults sign up for Letters from Little Ones.
WH SeniorLink emails the adults information to share with their children about what they might like to put in a letter.
Adults whose children are participating in Letters from Little Ones mail their children’s letters to the WH SeniorLink team.
WH SeniorLink’s social workers then review the letters to ensure that they are anonymous and appropriate, and forward the letters to individual seniors.