Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Feeding Your Inner Writer (bonus: Squiggle Game!) - September 12th

Letters Trellis returns to the market on Saturday, September 12. This week we offer ideas to create an environment that nourishes your writing. Beginning with an understanding of the Letters Trellis name and logo, we bring ideas to feed you as a writer with attention to the physical environment and sounds around you, other writings, and favorite places/things. Please stop by for a writing packet to help you get started in writing a friend or loved one. If you have already visited, stop by for the latest handout, and/or visit https://letterstrellis.com for more information.

Join us at our table for The Squiggle Game: As we have done before at the Letters Trellis tent, we will also have a special something for those too young or too old (and every age in between) to engage with letter writing. It is in the same spirit — connection and communication through touching the heart, if not the hand. It is about honoring the process of sharing, in a non-digital way, the art of engaging creatively. Perhaps you saw us at a past Farmer’s Market? If not, I will introduce the activity: One person draws a simple squiggle — the next person adds meaning to the squiggle with additions to the drawing. So simple. So fun. So nourishing. Come Play!

First squiggle, followed by second: